2025 Event – Casino Paradiso

Get ready for Casino Night—in glamorous Tropical Style! This annual event is an excellent way for families, faculty, friends, and community members to celebrate Saint Anne School.  The night is filled with casino card games, music, drinks, and hors-d’oeuvres. Childcare is available, and tickets are available for purchase. 

JOIN US! | St. Anne’s Casino Paradiso on Saturday, March 29, 2025

Location // Moriarty Hall

Funston Avenue • Between Irving St and Judah St
(Moriarty Hall doors open at 5:45 pm for check-in)

Timing // 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Come for Casino Card Games • Silent Auctions • Bar • Music • Hors d’oeuvres • Raffles • Prizes

For tickets and Information

Tickets are $90. This includes entry, specialty cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktails, a DJ, heavy appetizers, and a starter pack of chips. Childcare and additional game chips are available for purchase. 

Purchase your tickets today on the website.  Casino Paradiso

Volunteer to Help

Lend and hand with the set-up and clean-up through the SignUp link.  It’s a really fun way to get in your volunteer hours and meet other parents. 


The Silent Auction committee is still looking for big-ticket donations – think tickets to sports events, AirBnB, and other experiences. Reach out to [email protected] if you have something to donate. 

Fundraiser Goal & Fund-A-Need Focus

This year’s fund-a-need is focused around technology in the classroom. Chromebooks are a daily essential – but without enough to go around, students and teachers constantly juggle limited availability. Not to mention, our first set is at the end of their life. Lower grades rely on them for reading programs like Lexia and Raz-Kids, while upper grades use them for assignments and projects in Google Classroom. Plus, the entire school uses them for tech class, STAR testing, and extras like learning internet safety and other digital skills like graphic design. 

Our goal is to provide one Chromebook per student.  Please consider contributing today to our Fund-A-Need campaign.