Frequently Used
Access Star Test
Lexia CORE5
Google Drive
Fourth Grade Resources
- Kahoot It
- Microbits: You can play with the simulator even without the microbit.
- Scratch. Creative coding with tutorials and allows you to learn by viewing and changing code in completed projects.
-– Fifth Grade Class
- Science Buddies – stem projects
- Tynker
- Khan Academy
Fun Extras
- Cooking with Kids – Fairly simple recipes with a Spanish version to work on language skills too
- Lunch Doodles Drawing
- 2nd Grade Science Spin
- Anatomy Arcade
- Interactive Activities for Grades 3 – 6
- Make your own Solar System
- Stemscopes
- Cell Games
Social Studies
- Education Place
- Google Earth Starting Projects
- Google Earth Tutorials
- Shepphard Software USA games
- Atoll Form
- Medieval Sites: Destroy the Castle , Vocabulary Practice Games, Medieval vs. Modern, Heraldry Game
- Medieval Videos: Tapestry, Castle Walls, Heavy Cavalry in Middle Ages, Middle Ages Weapons, Knights Templar, Crusades
- British Museum: Mesopotamia
- Ancient Mesopotamia
- Mesopotamia Games